Online Account Opening FormFull Name of Applicant *Gender *Please select an optionMaleFemaleMarital Status *Please select an optionMarriedUnmarriedDate of Birth (B.S) *Year *Month *Day *Date of Birth (A.D)YearMonthDayFather's Name *Mother's Name *Grand Father's Name *Spouse NameIdentification Document *Please select an optionCitizenshipPassportLiscenseVoter IDNational Identity CardID No. *Issued District *Occupation *Name of OrganizationTemporary Address *Permanent Address *Contact Number *Email AddressNominee's Name (हकवाला) *Relation with Nominee *Please select an optionSonDaughterFatherMotherBrotherSisterHusbandWifeAccount Type *Please select an optionएच्छिक वचत दैनिक वचतरेमिटान्स वचत नियमित मासिक वचत पेन्सन वचत बिमा वचतपर्व वचत संचय कोष वचत बाल तथा खुत्रुके वचतसिन्धु सारथी वचतदक्षिणा वचतआवधिक वचतएक मुष्ठ भुक्तानी वचतसहयोगी बचतस्वरोजगार बचतApplicant's PP Size Photo (less than 5 MB) *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileApplicant's Citizenship or Identity Card (less than 5 MB) *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileNominee's PP Size Photo (less than 5 MB) *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileSubmit Form